Dayton is one of those great American cities with an inferiority complex. The people are great, the shows are fun, but it seems that after every one, this is a common conversation:
"Loved the show, Tom! What do you think of Dayton?"
"Dayton is great! Lots of nice people!"
"What are you, crazy? I can't wait to get out of this boring hell hole!"
"...Uh...okay, well, thanks for coming!"
The comedy club is situated in the middle of one of those art directed shopping villages, a little fake town with lots of windows full of mock turtlenecks, smelly candles, and security cameras. My favorite selection was "peace" necklaces hanging next to the pocket sized cans of mace.
The weather has been cold and grey, so I'm using a photo of my wife's roses from Easter. Pretend it's Dayton. And you're happily shopping for candles and mace.
Yay for Dayton! My grandparents lived there for a long, long time, and I have many fond childhood memories of visiting relatives out there.
Hi Tom! Loved your show in Denver and got to drive around today and listen to your cd. Now, it's 4am, and I can't sleep because I have an audio brain worm ''Green means go, Mister Stupid Man ahead of me! Green means go, Mister Stupid Man ahead of me!'' So, thanks for that, Tom. Hey, I got to talk to your manager Alex about somethin' that's supposedly happening down the road - (that i thought might be good for you) - and he was helpful and a terrific guy. Aside from that - I produce a brand spankin' new natl salt water celebrity fishing tv series (Puget Sound, Alaska, etc) and you are invited to come on any time. Sitka in late May? Bring your guitar and let's promote your 2009 tours! Best, bgee
Alex is a great guy, Bill. Thanks for dropping in - I'm glad you liked the show!
Thanks, Tom. Two quick follow-ups - firstly... I really miss Date shakes from Palm Springs, that was a great blog mention. I mean, where else can you actually GET a Date shake??? Isreal, maybe?
Also, i very much appreciated your William F. Buckley blog - and my condolences on the loss of your father. You and i are about the same age (i think) and I just lost my wonderful ''Reaganesque'' dad last June. Would therefore be a nice thought to think they can all start a club of conservative kindred minds where they are.
Thanks, Tom. Firstly, I love the earlier mention of Date Shakes. I miss Date shakes from Palm Springs. Where else can anyone get a Date Shake? Isreal, maybe??
Secondly, I liked your tribute to William F. Buckley and your father. My condolences on the loss of your dad. You and I are about the same age (I think). I just lost my very ''Reaganesque'' dad last June. I'd like to think our conservative Greatest Generation fathers get to share a round table on the legacy they left behind. I try to honor that, especially now. (I don't yet have kids -like you do- but I hope they know your dad in some way - through you.) We were both, appearantly, damn lucky to have strong dads.
Congratulations Tom
Maybe someday you can do a tour of the former Soviet Union
candles and mace........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dayton's nice country.... I lived in Columbus for about four years and frequented the Dayton scene often! Hopefully you come to Pittsburgh sometime soon though... I know many people who would love to see you there!!!
Went to college @ Wittenberg Univ - in Springfield, OH. There was nothing to take me home (Philly) after college - so I just stayed - and stayed - moved to Dayton (Centerville, actually) and stayed 2 more years. Finally escaped after 15 years in the area.
Don't get me wrong... I actually like Springfield/Dayton. LOTS of nice people and memories, there. Met my wife in college; we had our first two kids. Hated winter - long and grey. Miss doing donut runs to Young's Jersey Dairy and walking all over Glen Helen. But intertia set in and it took me a LONG time to escape.
I grew up in Dayton (Bellbrook). I have to say I couldn't wait to get out of that place. Not because it is a bad place to live but there is so much out there. To be honest Dayton is a dieing city. Major companies are leaving or downsizing(Mead, Rynolds and Rynolds). Young people don't want to live there, they want to go somewhere cool and trendy(I am not trendy just wanted warm weather). Just my $0.02 on why Daytonians are liek that. btw every where else I have lived had nicer people
Love your work Tom and glad that you came to Dayton. I'm in my 20s have have really enjoyed living in Dayton (downtown). There's a lot of new things going on. Most of the people with an inferiority complex are pessimistic by nature. For the rest of us, life is great in Dayton.
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