Dayton is one of those great American cities with an inferiority complex. The people are great, the shows are fun, but it seems that after every one, this is a common conversation:
"Loved the show, Tom! What do you think of Dayton?"
"Dayton is great! Lots of nice people!"
"What are you, crazy? I can't wait to get out of this boring hell hole!"
"...Uh...okay, well, thanks for coming!"
The comedy club is situated in the middle of one of those art directed shopping villages, a little fake town with lots of windows full of mock turtlenecks, smelly candles, and security cameras. My favorite selection was "peace" necklaces hanging next to the pocket sized cans of mace.
The weather has been cold and grey, so I'm using a photo of my wife's roses from Easter. Pretend it's Dayton. And you're happily shopping for candles and mace.