Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Edmonton is the northernmost major North American city, and it boasts the world's largest shopping mall (including a waterpark with a roof, a flamingo pond, and a full sized replica of Columbus's ship the "Santa Maria." ...and a Banana Republic) I performed there last weekend and had a great time, doing what everyone in Edmonton seems to do in early November - go inside the mall and get ready for eight months of winter. It's already in the teens there, with snow on the ground, and the hockey players are sharpening their skates and removing their teeth. As I've written before, I love Canada, have been there many times, and am always entertained by their friendliness, peppered by the resentment of a smaller little brother next to the giant USA. Yes! You're better than us! Yes! Down vests are an underappreciated gift to humanity! Yes! A sandwich should cost fifteen dollars! Yes! I love Canada!


  1. Hi Tom :) Found your blog through your YouTube video of the Questions song--very nice. Consider yourself...blogrolled!

    I'm enjoying your posts so far!

  2. DUDE!! Just saw you on House - good job!

  3. Already in the teens? Haven't they heard of global warming up there?

  4. Hey Tom! Had a blast in Edmonton, except for the part where I woke up to snow and the windshield wipers frozen to the car. You would think in a place like that a snow brush would be a standard accessory in a rental car but I was wrong. Glad you enjoyed your time in the mall (although it was referred in the tour guide as Edmonton's most famous eyesore). I was amazed to find 4 Orange Julius stands within the first 15 minutes of being in there.
    Enjoy your warmth in California. I had 2 mild days back in Ontario before we got our snow.
