Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In remembrance


  1. What a sad video, amazing images. And that song really tugs at the heart, Adagio for Strings. I'll never forget it, I can't believe its been 6 years to the exact day. I was working in downtown Brooklyn right on the waterfront. We saw the impacr from across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a day unlike any other. It was a school, so we made sure all the children got out safely and on the buses home, I was at the switchboard and every light was lit up. I spent over an hour calming parents and relatives.
    As a person of strong conviction and faith I kept my calm and even managed to share some scriptures with co-workers and friends. When we were allowed to leave my friend and I ran to the main headquarters of the Watchtower Society, (We are Jehovah's Witnesses.) they were allowing all people in by the hundreds from off the bridge, letting them use phones, wash-up, eat, rest, etc.
    The days and weeks that followed were miserable in New York. The morning commutes were silent, I think the whole world was in stunned disbelief. It also brought the worst out in many people. A friend of mine who was cleaning the streets was almost shot, because a speeding van passed by and were trying to aim at the arabic roofers above him. Deep rooted prejudices came to the fore as well, all around, but at the same token more people united that ever as well. 9-11 was a terrible tragedy that should never be forgotten, or repeated.

  2. Very moving. There were some photos in there that I hadn't seen before.

    Last year for the 5 year anniversary, I was honored to be apart of a massive blogger memorial. Each participant had a person to honor. I honored Edward Raymond Vanacore. If you click the button on my side bar - there is a link on his page for each of our tributes. I felt an overwhelming responsibility to read each and every one of them. Yesterday, I read them again.

  3. Thank goodness we've had strong leadership under President Bush the last six years... Without that, we may well have had more terrorist attacks on our soil since then.

  4. i think it's sort of sad that someone felt the need to point out 9/11 bringing out the worst in people. for the most part, i don't think that's true. i believe it brought the best out of our country - who knows when the next time you will see every car driving around with an american flag on them will be.

    and how many of those pictures were of people helping each other?

    anyway, thanks for posting this video, i didn't watch it til the 17th but it still made me tear up.

    love you lots. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Je me souviens de ce jour là.
    J'avais 14 ans, je rentrais à peine de l'école.
    J'ai allumé la TV et j'ai mis une chaîne au hasard. Je n'écoutais que d'une oreille et quand j'ai levé les yeux j'ai cru que c'était un film. Mais lorsque j'ai changé de chaînes et que j'ai vu que c'était partout pareil j'ai enfin réalisé l'horreur.
    Comment peut-on faire une telle chose ? Les Hommes ne devraient pas être capables de faire ça. Comment ont-ils pu en arriver là ?
    J'ai regardé la télévision toute la soirée et je pleurais, encore et encore. J'étais mal pour les familles, pour tout le pays... Tout le monde était touché... qui ne le serait pas ? On a beau critiquer les USA et leur président, on est tous frères.
    Chaque fois que je revois des images, des vidéos... ça me fait encore mal. Je n'oublierai jamais ce jour là.
