Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pretty Good Morning, America

Just back from New York City, where I appeared on "averyspecial" Oscar weekend Good Morning America. When I'm on shows, I like them to be promoted as "averyspecial" whatever. (deep announcer voice) "Next...on averyspecial Blossom..." The crew on GMA were nice, and the view from the studio windows is incredible! Million square foot flashing billboards, and crazy people mumbling to themselves! Times Square has come so far from the pit of vice and degradation it was when I lived there. Okay, just kidding, it's the same. 
The same retail experience, too! The mumbling, apathetic girl at Modell's sporting goods made no eye contact and threw my bag of overpriced junk back at me without taking off the anti-theft device, so I had to damage the shirt back here in California. Thanks Radyka! Thanks Modell's!
I did take a walk up to the Upper West Side, and my old neighborhood. The pizza place is gone now, but they're still calling it 74th Street, so some things never change.
Love from Wilson World,